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We like the following Hotels in Newbury:
DONNINGTON GROVE COUNTRY CLUB: www.donnington-grove.com
DOUBLETREE: www.hilton.co.uk/newburynorth
HILTON NEWBURY CENTRE: www.hilton.co.uk/newburycentre
DONNINGTON VALLEY HOTEL: www.donningtonvalley.co.uk
WHITE HART INN, HAMSTEAD MARSHALL: www.whitehartinnhamsteadmarshall.co.uk
HARE & HOUNDS NEWBURY: https://www.hareandhoundsnewbury.co.uk/
We like the following Restaurants in Newbury:
VALLE D’ORO: www.valledororestaurant.co.uk
THE NAWAB INDIAN RESTAURANT: www.the-nawab.co.uk
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